First use

Pair the instrument MI 3144 with your Android device

  1. Turn on the instrument MI 3144
  2. Go to Settings on your Android
  3. Scan for Bluetooth available devices on your Android device
  4. Select the correct instrument for pairing
  5. Use the default PIN 1234 to pair


aMESM initial settings

1. Open aMESM

2. Select "Settings"


3. Select "Instrument/adapter selection"

  • Choose "MI 3144"
  • Click on "Select a device to connect" and choose the one with your serial number
  • Click "OK"


4. Select "Scope of work"

  • Select your workscope
  • Example: "Safety of LV installations" → EU installations

5. Go back

Normal usage

Open new structure

  1. Select "Memory organizer"
  2. Select the three dots in the upper right corner
  3. Select "File" → "New"
  4. Enter a new filename
  5. Click "Save"


Add a measurement

  1. Select the "Node"
  2. Add a measurement by clicking on the "Circle-plus" icon in the lower left corner
  3. Select the type of measurement


Start the measurement

  1. Check if the MI 3144 is selected. If not, click on the "Bluetooth Select" button on the upper left corner an select the correct instrument.
  2. Once you have the correct instrument selected, click on the "Connect" button on the bottom.
  3. Then you can start the measurement clicking the "Start" button.


Saving and viewing the results

  1. You can save the results in the "Tree" sheet, by clicking on the red "Save" button
  2. In the "Measurements" sheet you can view your results


Video tutorial