MI 3143 Standardni set


  • Instrument MI 3143 Euro Z 440 V
  • Mains cable
  • RS232-PS/2 cable
  • Test lead, 2-wire, 2 pcs*
  • Crocodile clip, black, 2 pcs
  • Crocodile clip, red, 2 pcs
  • Test probe, black, 2 pcs
  • Test probe, red, 2 pcs
  • Metrel aMESM Android PRO P 1102-AND Licence key integrated in instrument
  • Calibration certificate
  • Instruction manual**
  • Protective bag for accessories (mounted on the case)
* Replaced by 5 m and 20 m test leads in MI 3143 EU set.
**All documentation can be downloaded free of charge from Metrel Web server or Metrel Documentation center

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